Forever Fit leads the way in Delaware's fitness and personal training industry. We were the first full-apparatus Pilates studio and we are the only professionals offering Gyrotonic, Gyrokinesis, Ki-Hara Resistance Stretching, and Yamuna Body Rolling in the First State. We are also the only facility to offer PWR!Moves (Parkinson's Wellness Recovery) and Rock Steady, both of which are revolutionary Parkinson's specific exercise programs We also offer traditional cardio and weight training, as well as full scale athletic training.
Our staff of licensed Athletic Trainers, Physical Therapy Assistants, and Personal Trainers pursues education and training methods both nationally and internationally and is dedicated to providing each of our clients with a safe, effective, unparalleled training program designed specifically for their individual fitness goals and needs.
Our Mission
Our mission is to improve our clients' health and well being through our unique and varied exercise methods while recognizing each individuals' own unique needs and welcoming them into our fitness family.